Ive attached a picture of by building shell which i can change by scaling and rotating floors.
The challenge i have is creating columns that are inside the outer shell but outside the lift core. I have managed it for the bottom floor but cant seem to move it up the building so that it does the same for all floors.
Ideally i would like a method to be able to create points where i want the columns at the ceiling and floor and then some sort of function that says if there is a point above it then it should connect it with a line ect because it would remove any that could fall outside the floor plan .
Any help would be appreciated.
it looks like you have a List of Points -thick connection spaghetti- (A) for which you are checking inclusion with a single Curve -thin connection spaghetti- (B)
idealy, you might want to check for Point Inclusion not just with the ground floor Curve, but with all the Curves of each floor
another way to do that might be to project all the curves of each floor on XY Plane, intersect Region on those to find a common area to all of them where Points can exist on all floors, and then run Point inclusion on that area
you will understand that it is pretty difficult to give straight answers to screenshots made of pixels please read this pinned post ( Help Us Help You ) and follow indications at point 3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files to otganize the GH file before posting it (in particular the part that instructs on how to internalize data)
Hi yes i understand your comment about attaching the file however i am not allowed to do this with strict rules about university coursework but i am allowed to ask for help.
my main problem is there will be areas of my structure that are wider and using the method you described i dont believe that i would be able to put columns here which i would need. Id like to be able to lift all the points up to each floor and in some way check if there is a surface above/ below the points and if there is create the column. Is there a way to do this?
you might try something like this, which should give you a data tree where for each Floor you have all the columns that can exist in that floor (which means that the column point was successfully projected both on bottom start surface and on top destination surface)
If a column can’t exist, you will get a Null instead
Project_Column_Points.gh (18.9 KB)