Columns, grids and Gridlines

Hello Francesc and VisualArq :grinning:
going to ask all queries here then via email from now on:

Q: is there a more efficient way to compose composite columns with varying profiles at different heights as shown in the images attached?

Any suggestions/links/references or tutorials for composing Gridlines in VArq/GH?



What’s the best strategy for working with composite elements and arrangements like this?

Form groups and and then use Human or Elefront for naming and data management


Hi Bilal!

Your GH algorithm seems the right solution to me! There is no structural grid tool yet, that’s why using the GH Grid components or any other custom distribution of points would be the best option currently.

About the data management you can use for example the Get Document Parameters component and the Set Property as demonstrated below. The values will be applied once the objects are baked.


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I’ll have a play. Thanks! I’ll be looking to extract the data and am hoping to use VArq to write schedules, adding params and info as required. Will let you know how i get on in a few weeks (working on other projects too).