Clustering a list of numbers


I am trying find a method how to extract a list of numbers from a list that are the most self-similar?
I would like to filter out values that stand out too much from a general list.

From screenshot attached first list would return
0.065, 0.066, 0.067, 0.067, 0.066, 0.066
0.049, 0.049, 0.049,,0.052

One idea was to use K-Means clustering for the list.
But I am wondering if there is a simple mathematical way to get this?
I do not mind using .net math numeric libraries if needed. (20.7 KB)

Hi Petras,

try this as a starting point

using System.Linq;

 private void RunScript(DataTree<double> data, double threshold, ref object A)
    A = GroupSimilarNumbers(data, threshold);

  // <Custom additional code> 

  public DataTree<double> GroupSimilarNumbers(DataTree<double> data, double threshold)
    DataTree<double> Out = new  DataTree<double>();

    for (int i = 0; i < data.BranchCount; i++)
      Dictionary<double, double> groups = new Dictionary<double, double>();

      for (int j = 0; j < data.Branches[i].Count - 1; j++)
        double val = data.Branches[i][j];
        double nextVal = data.Branches[i][j + 1];

        if(Similar(val, nextVal, threshold))
            groups.Add(val, val);

        if(groups.Count > 0)
          foreach (KeyValuePair<double, double> entry in groups)

            if(Similar(val, entry.Value, threshold))

                groups.Add(val, val);

            if(Similar(nextVal, entry.Value, threshold))
                groups.Add(nextVal, nextVal);



      Out.AddRange(groups.Select(a => a.Value).ToArray(), new GH_Path(i));

    return Out;

  public  bool Similar(double a, double b, double threshold)

    return Math.Abs((a - b)) <= threshold;

Important Note: The algorithm would be much simpler if all the branches are sorted before hand. There is actually a small bug in this version because of this. So just sort the data before hand.

Another option with just gh components, use that numbers as a coordinate with [Construct Point], group them with [Points Group] component and use [List Item] to filter the numbers with the Indices output.

It would only make sense to use KMeans here if you know in advance how many groups you’re going to do, the K number.

I am asking myself the same question at the moment.
I would like to group them by their similiarity or deviations, e.g. in your first example when searching for a 0.005 devaition in

[0.164, 0.065, 0.066, 0.067, 0.067, 0.066, 0.066, 0.071]

it would return
[0.164], [0.065, 0.066, 0.067, 0.067, 0.066, 0.066], [0.071]]

I could think of simply iterating through the list, but it seems a bit un-elegant to me and a bit too thoughtless.

You can do that (but as Dani said, blah, blah) … but why kill the mosquito with the bazooka? Tons of LINQ related stuff around.



Get some entry Level take (as exposed in the SO link above - but why use floats ? [unless you have 1Z numbers on hand]). Obviously delta dictates the N of clusters (contrary to some KMeans). (114.6 KB)

To do: In one queryOrderBy things [with various options] AFTER the GroupBy.

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