I am new in grasshopper, this site helped me a lot so far but on my current point, I will need your help. I’m trying to build a surface that will be my wall covering as a cloth/wavy/weave effect ( please see attached image).
First, Weave that I have is starting from the curve bu end is finishes open. How can I make the end to finish on the curve?
Secondly, as you can see, I have multiple arches and I would like this weave effect to start smoothly from corners (like gradient effect) and visible in the middle so I have smooth corners and wavey middles.
I have attached rhino and .gh files. It’s in millimeters. If you could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Weave component picks ALL the objects in the lists.
For example, with list A and list B it will pick object to make: A0 , B0 , A1 , B1 , A2 , …
So it will always start “up” and end “down” or vice-versa.
“Pick and choose” is imho a better solution.
For the division of the curve, you need also to see the problem more to a simpler math level.
N = the amount of “waves” you want (and you want FULL waves, not an half at end)
Each wave have a start (down) , a mid point (up) and an end point (down).
Down-up-down , those are 3 points making 2 segments: each wave is composed by 2 segments.
So your total amount of segments is 2*N and your total amount of points is 2*N+1.
Your total amount of “down” points is N+1 and your total amount of “up” points is N.
Just pass your finger on the “silhouette” of your other hand: you’ll start down and then going up to the first finger. Totally you’ll touch 5 fingertip but you’ll go down 6 times.
11 points total to draw a very raw hand.
You can use the parameter of the reparametrized curve
to have a 0 to 1 rough “position” of the points.
Then you can use that value with a graph mapper.
See attached. curved skin_V3.gh (20.6 KB)