what would be best practice of closing a subd when having equal edges, and getting a fillet corner as result
what would be best practice of closing a subd when having equal edges, and getting a fillet corner as result
in future it would be handy if you simply could share the model, or a portion of it, that often helps the people figuring out a good (sometimes best) approach without having to remodel it.
i went ahead and remodelled the situation since i have a few more minutes.
since there is no automatic way to close this in an orderly fashion afaik, i would use the command Fill with option Single Face, selecting one edge of the perimeter is enough to close it
then use the command InsertPoint have the object snaps set to Vertex and place points across each opposing vertex point.
here the result after inserting two points, but you should be able to do all at once.
here the result.
Subd_Caps_00_Tom.3dm (3.3 MB)
Any comments / critique / additional approaches on my workflows? Thanks for a feedback, don t want to teach weird stuff.
nice! thanks for sharing
ok, ok… now you are just showing off…
(i’m teasing)
great post…thanks for sharing it!
You nailed it all- perfect advice there.