Clippingplane - Array - incremental naming not working

referring to this Example / Feature / Tutorial

Using the given file everything works as shown / expected.
But building an example from scratch - I do not manage to get auto-naming of the clippingplanes when _array them
C_00, C_01, C_02, …

what condition / option has to be set to get the names numeric part being incremented ?
can 't find anything in the help (neither clippingplane, nor array command)

thanks. kind regards - tom

It seemed to have worked doing it like this:


I tried different names for the clipping plane. - no success.

Even if I copy the clipping-plane from the sample-File to a new file, it does not get named “incremental” any more when arrayed.

was anybody able to repeat the workflow from the tutorial in a blank document, units millimetres ?

for example:
new document
clippingPlane → name it C_01
array (nx = 1, ny = 1, nz = 20)

thanks for you comments

@pascal or @Gijs
does this auto-naming of Clipping Planes work for you - or anybody else - in a new file. I don t get it to work. thanks for an update

just wanted to say, this is somehow a presales question from a customer. Just told him to be patient and stay with Rh7.

Hi Tom - I’ll give it a try.

@Tom_P - the Array command never will change the name - (not a bad idea perhaps, but it does not) I think what you are after is SectionPlaneArray


thanks for having a look.

the description of above tutorial / feature-introduction claims:

can you repeat the above tutorial on a blank file ?

I do not get a autocomplete in the commandline
(Version 8 (8.2.23346.13002, 2023-12-12) on mac intel)

@Tom_P - sorry for the confusion - my fault. If the clipping plane is created from ClippingSections, it has more smarts and the array naming works. This is not explicitly mentioned on that page, that I can see… I’ll see if we can make that clearer.
WWW-2303 Tune up to Sectioning web page


… and…
…but this spicy “smartness” is lost when copy-paste between 2 documents ;-(

maybe update the above feature-introduction / tutorial. - quite sure somebody else will fall in the same trap.
… yep I see your edit…

great - thanks - have a nice Xmas - kind regards -tom

Hi Tom -

Sorry that this thread got buried under all other traffic…
In the post that I referenced, I wrote:

At any rate…

I’ve put that on the list as RH-79315 ClippingSections: copy-paste removes special characteristics

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