Clipping views are force-updating themselves into parallel projection

I’m using the new clipping views feature, because that seems to be the only way I can have clipping planes activate and deactivate for specific named views. No matter what I do, I cannot get any of my clipping views to save with anything other than parallel projection mode.

When I save the clipping view, I make sure to select “perspective” in the options. This saves the view with perspective, but as soon as I switch to a different named view, that new named view AUTOMATICALLY updates itself into parallel projection mode. If I go back into that view and change it back to perspective in properties and then overwrite the view, it reverts back to perspective view. Again, if I switch to any other named view, the view automatically switches itself back to parallel projection. No matter what I do, the clipping view (which should function like any other named view, just with a particular clipping plane associated with it, correct?) ALWAYS forces itself into parallel projection mode as soon as I click on another view. this is driving me insane. is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Hi Noah - I assume the command you are using is SaveClippingSectionViews, correct? Are you saying the command line option for projection is ignored?


That is correct. It may initially function properly, but as soon as I switch the viewport from that named view to another, the clipping view automatically changes itself back to parallel projection mode.

Hi Noah -

I put this on the list as RH-80002 Section Tools: SaveClippingSectionViews become parallel

I pretty much do that in every file I make. I save a named view without clipping, then add a clipping plane, and save a new named view. Switching between those named views always correctly restores the state of the view. Can you make a simple example and provide the steps you take to make this fail?