Classroom and online training resources for Rhino

Can’t come to a class at one of our offices?

  • Find a classroom near you. You get live instruction from authorized Rhino trainers.
  • Take an online class. Get the benefits of instruction without traveling. Find a class in your time zone and take the class from the comfort of your own desk. Our live online classes are in-depth classes, usually 20-24 hours of instruction.
  • Join a live online Rhino 5 webinar. Rhino experts will show you how to get started with Rhino. We have classes for both Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac. These are usually 1-2 hour live meetings with a more technical emphasis.
  • Arrange a custom class. If you need a custom class, we have a list of resources that offer this service.

Learning to use Rhino Live Classes…

Posted Apr 14, 2017 by Sandy McNeel on Rhino News, etc.