Circle packing with fixed radius and fixed number of circle for each radius

Awesome! Will give that a try, thank you.

Hi, could anybody help me how to fill boundary with the circles? I need to fill area with the black circles as sketched. The blue circles were made by array along the purple curve. Till now I create the filling manually.

Thera are 2 conditions only. The number of circles is unknown.
diameter is 28mm and is fixed.
the minimum distance between radii black and blue circles should be 45mm and the maximum distance should be 60mm and can be adjusted by the slider in Grasshopper. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
fill_pattern.3dm (55.8 KB)

Hello Daniel,
I was wondering if it would be possible to do this same idea but with some holes in the surface so the circles continue the grading up still being tangent to each other and the open holes perimeter.

Thanks for those solutions. It helped me a lot to arrange my aubergine slices on my baking tray today.


Hi all !
Can someone help me to limit the departure of circles for the line. I can’t figure out how it’s done!
Thank you all in advance!
0005_pave_test.3dm (18.1 MB)
Pave (39.3 KB)

Hi everyone,

Thanks for such an amazing thread- I want to edit this circle packing script with given radii to be like the one above but on a 3D surface. In other words, I want to take Daniel’s “” and have it function on a 3D surface (basically the “” but with given radii), Has anyone been able to do this? I am having difficulty tangling the circles to the surface/mesh/brep. There’s also the challenge of doing this when the surface has a cut-out/holes like the one attached. I would really appreciate help on this!!

did you search to other publications ? I think of these

I also think it will be better you post your geometry if you still have problems.

Hi Laurent, Thanks for the helpful links- these have useful information but I’m still having a hard time. I’ve tried this geometry but am still not getting tangent circles of a given radii that are also tangent to the boundary. I’ve tried remeshing by color to alter the boundaries that generate the circles but ideally, I’d like to come up with a circle packing method like the ones shared in

Here’s what I’m working with:

230410 Circle Packing_Edited by (175.9 KB)

Hello, I am a beginner, why does it look like this when I open your file? What went wrong?

Hi everyone, I’m still working on a relevant problem. I started a new post here: Compact circle packing with a set radii range on a trimmed 3D surface