Circle inside boundary

Hi all. I do try to get a circle that fits inside the boundary of a surface, preferably in the widest area of the boundary and i can’t find a way on how to cull the circles that are touching the edges of the boundary.

Please no Kangaroos for the solution, if any. (30.9 KB)

If you want just one circle you could use polylabel (35.1 KB)

If you want more circles you could use Medial Axis. I have one tool in Nautilus plugin, but at the moment I don’t accept holes. It is planned to be added.


Thank you for the solution. Now it is working as expected.

This is awesome! It is quite easy to get the largest circle (with sort list and list item), but is there any way to retrieve the 2nd largest circle that does not overlap with the 1st largest circle, then the 3rd that doesn’t overlap with the 1st and the 2nd, and so forth? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Something like that must work.

biggest (6.8 KB)

Here not sorted by size, list is sorted by Y coordinate.

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You are amazing! Thanks so much, Laurent! Just rated you on Food4Rhino :wink: