Chute intersection


Im not sure if this is possible, But I developing an ore chute/launder that follows a line, with the top and bottom always flat (horizontal) and the sides (vertical). I’ve modelled the a rectangular Brep along each segmment of the input curve.

I need to Calculate a set of Points where the 2 breps therorectically meet. I’ve tried Brep to brep, but it seems to need extend the brep past each other.

Any suggestions welcome.

Chutework (16.6 KB)
Chutework test.3dm (33.0 KB)

You could make your life a lot easier by using a round pipe

Yes it would, but I can’t place Wear liners into a pipe. The function is different to what a pipe offers

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Find the perpendicular bisectors of the polyline. Place plane.
Get control points of ending profiles. Project these to the planes.
Loft the figures projected to the planes.