Christmas 2018 Airplane

Here is my 2018 airplane Christmas ornament and screen shot from it on my iPad iRhino 3d.


That remembers me a very old similar English airplane :slight_smile:,-58.3698537,3a,75y,86.68h,93.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVHQqH943oXj4kNYH9xpRTg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Probably a
In a museum at Buenos Aires:

This is a Canadian manufactured fighter called CF-100 from the 1950s.

Nice work! I love the finishing!

Of that generation I prefer this more radical 1953 unknown Horten Urubú evolution:

CF-100 Looks like a more mature product since its fist flight in 1950.