Is it possible to change major grid spacing to 0.5? Rhino will only allow me to put integers, no decimal numbers. However I saw my professor change it to 0.5 on a tutorial video, though she is using Mac not Windows.
The reason you can’t change it to a fraction is that it’s not a measurement, it is the number of minor gridlines you want to have between major ones. So it always has to be an integer value. The minor gridline spacing is a measurement in file units.
I guess it would be possible to automatically constrain the major box to a multiple of the minor measurement. But what if one then changes the minor value so that the major measurement no longer is a full multiple of the minor?
Hi Mitch, I think I’d like measurement for the majors and number of divisions for the minors. At least that seems more intuitive to me. Somehow I’m always befuddled by the settings as they are.