Changing Environment Map Projection

We’re noticing that the environment mapping is projecting strangely in our models. Both for custom and preset maps, the Z axis of the map is projected along the X axis of the model. Screenshot below:

We’ve confirmed that our model is positioned on the correct axes in Rhino and Shapedvier. We’re seeing the same issue across all of our models in SD.

Is there a way we can fix the direction of these maps?

Adding that we are noticing that LDR presets in Shapediver are projecting correctly.

Hello @Tim_Thimmaiah

a fix for this is being worked on as we speak! Thanks for letting us know.

Cheers, Michael

Hello @Tim_Thimmaiah,

this issue should be resolved now. The viewer version with the included fix is 2.7.7.

Cheers, Michael

Fix looks good, thanks @MajorMeerkatThe3rd !