Changes to trimming?

Hello there,

My company recently upgraded from Rhino6 to Rhino8. So far so good!

But I’ve stumbled upon an issue while trimming.

It feels like I can’t “trim through” the selected object anymore to trim an underlaying object. Hard to describe, maybe pictures help…

^In Rhino6 I would select the cylinder and “Ctrl + T”, then click on the cylinder in the area of the green marking to trim a hole in the circular suface.

^In Rhino8 instead of trimming a hole, the cylinder is being trimmed.

Were there any changes to trimming that I’ve missed out through the updates?

Can I get it to work again?

Thanks in advance!

thanks @Modellarius for reporting
RH-80000 Trim behavior not expected

No worries.

But to be clear: trimming in Rhino8 should still behave as it did in previous versions and this is just a bug?

If it has worked like that always, then yes, this can be considered a bug.
(what I find odd though, is that 2 clicks are necessary in Rhino 6/7 to trim the bigger cylinder, do you see that too?)

Okay. Ive tried to do the same trimming operation with two boxes in a similar setup. First click removes the outside surface of the upper box (which it wouldn’t have done in Rhino6)

Secon click removes the hole in the top surface of the lower cube (what I wanted)

After exiting the trimming operation with Esc, Rhino can’t shade the objects and displayes it in wired? Weird as well, I’ve only encountered that behaviour in complex trimming operations before…

RH-80000 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4 Release Candidate

Wow; look at that nice round number for a YouTrack issue. 80 thousand reports!


RH-80000 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4