Change size brick gradually

I’m trying to create a brick wall for a project and I want for the brick to change size something like this. I’m not sure if a parametric brick tutorial would be helpful or if I have to do it manually

do you need the texture or actual geometry?

anyway when i look closer i see only 4 sizes of bricks. you dont need a lot of automatisation to do that… just make a few rows copy paste repeat.

if you want something continuously changing towards the top you can use a simple trick with tween surface. here you create one brick out of a single surface resize it to your wanted max size and tween.

It’s the geometry and I was wondering if the brick design plug in can work for this.

best is to describe your project as thoroughly as possible, i still dont know what exactly you need 2d 3d, and what its for (scale, what the final result should do) my suggestion relates to actual geometry the bricks are shown as planar only but have a volume. you can scale the bricks, and array them quickly on a surface for instance… i know we like it all automagically but when it boarders with procrastination maybe its just faster not looking for a plugin or a definition when its done in a few minutes without :man_shrugging:t3: