I noticed that the function of “locking the direction of movement” with the Tab-Key has changed behaviour in v6 beta — in a rather inconvenient way, at least concerning my workflow.
e.g.: In rhino 5 when you wanted to move an object vertically by “locking” the movement along a vertical side with the press of the Tab-Button you could enter coordinates and the object would align itself to these coordinates but within the constraints that you imposed with the tab key.
In Rhino 6 the input of coordinates (sadly) overrides the Tab-Key-Constriction and it just pops to the coordinates which I think defeats the purpose somewhat.
If you couldn’t grasp what I was trying to (poorly, I’ll give you that. ^_^’ ) convey, refer to the pictures:
A 5x5x5 with the corner closest to origin located at (-2.5,-5,-5). The red mark is the vertical edge of that corner projected to the CPlane.
move-command in Rhino 5, from that corner with TAB-Constraint; entering (0,0,0) as coordinates into the command line.
Still Rhino 5, hitting enter. See how said corner lines up with the red mark, even though (0,0,0) was entered.
Now Rhino 6, same situation: Move-Command, corner close to origin at (-2.5, -5, -5) at the start. Tab-Constraint (white line visible!) along the vertical edge of that corner. Entering (0,0,0) as coordinates, but now the box jumps there as a “preview”.
“Enter”… see where that box went. I don’t know if that change in function is deliberate, but at least for my workflow it is a bit sad, as I see the Tab-Constraint one of the best basic functions in Rhino for quickly aligning stuff…
Hope to get an answer to this.
Until then, Thanks for your hard work!