I have a lot groups, each group has a lot of objects that belong to different layers. Now I need to turn some of these groups on/off, I guess assign these groups to another layer would be one way, but the problem is when I change the layer for these groups, all the objects’ layer will also be changed into that target layer. Is there anyway to work this out? Any alternative solutions?
Hi -
Groups don’t have a layer.
You can select a group and hide or show just that.
Note that you can also name groups by using the -group
command (i.e. the dashed version) and use SelGroup
to select a specific group from a list.
I cannot understand why a group contains different layers keeps the original layers in the group.
But as soon as the group is set to a layer called “my layer” let’s says all layers in the group are set to “my layer”
Should not be.
The only way to achieve this is to make a block and not a group.
Can’t groups keep the original layers of the objects in the group, and be set in to a layer WITHOUT changing the layers in the group ?
An option for this ?
Would be great, for layer management.
An answer ?
Best regards
Hi Karim - a group is not a ‘thing’ like a block instance, it is really just a selection set.
Hi Pascal
I understand
But it could be much more than that
If it kept original layers in the group when set to another layer, I could use generic layer names like “window” “door” “slab”, then move the group to a floor “1st floor”, “2dn floor”
BUT without having to duplicate the layer names in each “1st floor”, “2dn floor” sublayer…
I tried that, was fast and efficient.
Only way is to make blocks
Or duplicate all layers in each parent floor layer
Any other way ?
Many thanks
Hi Karim - can you post a simple example file with the starting state and one with the desired ending state?
Ok my generic layer names are sub-layers of “—” layer
My floor layers are
The starting states are layers
They contain groups that no longer kept their original layers…
My desired ending state is layer 0e
It contains only blocks (I used GroupToblock)
I’d Love you to find a solution without having to make blocks…
AKT_layer_managment.3dm (11.3 MB)