Change Elements Label in ETABS using BHoM or other plugins

Hi all, a very good evening to all.

I want to change the etabs element label as per the requirement. I am RIR and I extracted all the bar(framing,columns) elements from revit. I have labeled all beams/columns in revit as per requirement. I have managed to extract the data also. But now I want to change the label/tags of elements when it appears in ETABS. Kindly let me know how should I proceed ? OR Do I have any other solution for this?

Here is the following data I extracted from revit. I want to change the label of column elements in ETABS. Please let me know

Hi Shashank, I’m not familiar with the ETABS plugin, hopefully someone with experience can chime in. ETABS is a paid plugins so they should have documentation and support.

This looks like a GET attribute component, is there a corresponding SET component?

Hi @Japhy thanks for your quick response. I have checked it to set values. But I am not able to label it successfully. It is still getting the default values

Hi @Shashank_Bagane,
You can do it if you convert your elements into bars or shells. There is an option for custom names in bhom. Maybe you can check the following tutorials. You will find something relevant.

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Hi @Japhy and @Muhammad_Saqlain_Awa I found it my self.

Please have look at it.

Using dynamo I have done it but its possible using grasshopper too.

That’s great! What do you need from us to get this working in Grasshopper?

No extra nodes are required for this. I have used python for dynamo. We can also use the same logic for grasshopper too. Thanks for your support.