Is there a way to change the default setting from the CurveBoolean command so that it stays like that when I restart Rhino?
I would like to change the default value of “DeleteInput” to “All” instead of “None”. When I now change it it always goes back to “None” when I restart Rhino…
Hi Siemen - the standard trick for this is to add the macro to your startup commands along with a cancel:
! _CurveBoolean _DeleteInput=_All !
(Options > General page)
Aha! Nice one, thanks!
Hi Pascal,
As long as I have taught Rhino, I have had to remind my trainees to change the “DeleteInput” to “All” whenever we use this command - otherwise they get confused with the result. It makes sense to change the default setting to “DeleteInput=All” so that the users do not have to customize Rhino to achieve this.
Hi John - I think the thinking is, default to the safest mode when information could be lost - similar to how Split defaults every time to Shrink=No.
What about adding a right-click option to this button with this default setting?
Hi John - that seems like a reasonable thing- I’ll add that if no one objects here.