Chair Surface - implicit equation to parametric equation

To mesh implicit surfaces you need a quite different approach.
There isn’t any simple general method to turn an implicit form into a parametric one.

The conventional way to turn implicit functions into surfaces is to do some grid based contouring of the field (like this for example). I have some new better tools for such contouring on the way too.

However, as I was just looking at electrostatic repulsion today over here, I thought I’d show a different way for fun. It starts with a bunch of random points, and pulls them along the gradient of the field towards the desired level set. The repulsion distributes them across the surface, and it uses proximity to build the mesh.
(and of course, you could replace the implicit function with another equation. This technique probably works best on smooth surfaces, and I’d guess this type of meshing would break down for functions with singularities and very spiky/thin parts) (22.3 KB)

Here’s another example showing the Clebsch cubic (19.6 KB)