CenterMark - only created in World XY CPlane


  • 1 Circle on the World XY CPlane and 1 circle on the World XZ CPlane.

Steps Taken:

  • Run the CenterMark command on both circles.


  • A center mark is only generated for the circle on the World XY.
  • Center marks are correctly generated on all circles when using DimRadius when the style has center marks enabled.


YouTrack Issue: RH-42694

Hi Wim - thanks. I see you’ve done all the heavy lifting already…


Does it make sense to have the centermark size relative to the size of the object it marks by default?
I did a test on a circle and found out that the centermark was too small to notice until I edited its settings. I would prefer that Rhino creates a center mark at for example 5% of its diameter which then can be edited at a later time in the editor.