Cap Holes can not work in Rhino inside revit

Hi everyone

I use the same script in normal Grasshopper work very well, but when I use it on Revit the script can not work, the main issue is when I use cap holes to make close brep the brep will has strange line and I can not use evaluate curve.
It’s happened sometimes when I updated my Revit from 2020 to 2023 It’s becoming better, but I totally can’t use it today.
I think it is a system issue.
I tried to restart Revit and rhino and update the software those ways all failed.
someone can help me ???

gh (1.3 MB)

It should be the same result using it on the same geometry in in rhino or through RhinoInside, maybe you can share some geometry to a have a look?

Hi, I upload the GH Script It works in Rhino but does not work in Rhino inside Revit. I think it’s the Rhino inside Revit’s system problem.

So, I checked it through revit and seems to be working fine on my side, using RiR v.1.10.83~ , so maybe try the latest daily build or release candidates and recheck… else maybe someone else can have a look and help you more.

Also, would be good in the future if you can filter data inside your definition with only geometry having issue to make it simple to check instead of sending the full definition :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Mohamed. I am reinstalling the Revit and Rhino inside, hopefully, it will work.
Thank you.

Hi Mohamed, I tried redownloading the revit and update the RvR but still can not work…

You’ve got a lot going on, can you narrow down the issue? Thanks.

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Hi @Jeffrey_song,

‘Cap Holes’ component uses active Rhino document tolerance.
Could you please double check you are using a reasonable value?

hi, just my cap holes can not work? only sometimes…

Hi Kike, I use Meter what number should be my Absolue Tol? If I restart my revit like 10 times only has I time the cap Holes can work… :rofl:

Hi, can anyone help me to simplify my script? for example what component can instead list item and evaluate curve? hence list item is not a very accurate component to select item and sometimes item will change…
thank you guys…

Please post an isolated example of the issue and workflow. Thanks

Hi Japhy one issue is when I use cap holes the top surface like the image shows u the surface only shows part of the surface and I fix it when I restart the Revit many times.
Basically, I just use list item to select and evaluate curves to make walls and door frames.

My teacher said it’s probably the RVR system issue.

Revit geometry is very particular on tolerances. Rhino.Inside®.Revit

I made it, I am trying to don’t close the Revit :joy:

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I would use 0.0001 if you are in meters.

This link may help to explain what happens here.