I’ve been having a weird issue happening related to the Gumball.
If you zoom very close to a part of a polysurface, and you select a sub face, you can’t zoom out after selecting it, (if your gumball is off screen AND “rotate view about gumball” is on).
i can rotate but i can’t zoom out.
So for example, if you model a panel that’s 24"x96"x.75"… then zoom in to the very bottom corner. Select the face that’s .75" x 96" (make sure you’re zoomed in very close, and turn on rotate view around gumball), you won’t be able to zoom out again with your scroll wheel.
see screenshot. the right screen is how far i’ve zoomed in and i selected the side face of a polysrf. the gumball is completely off screen and i can’t zoom out on the right screen. i can zoom in and out on the other viewport on the left.
I’ve replicated this on various models, shapes and files, and all viewports… single screen vs extended monitor as well.
this seems to happen when these 3 conditions are met:
- When rotate view around gumball is turned on
- when you do shift+ctrl click (so when selecting a sub srf or edge of a polysrf)
- when zoomed in very close before you select a sub object (so you don’t see any part of the gumball after selecting)