Cannot visually update blocks inside a block

Big block.3dm (59.9 KB)
B2.3dm (70.2 KB)
B1.3dm (76.9 KB)

Hello again, I would like to know if this is a bug when I updated Block2, which is an inserted block inside block1, cannot be visually updated in the "Big block " file. Thanks

I ask this because when I have a “car case” with linked insert “doors closed”, I my have option of “windoes up” and “windoes down” inside “door close”, but in this situation, I don’t see update of “windows up” or “windows down” in “car case” file.

updating the nested block without opening up the parent?

Try Saving the Big Block File and then run the Revert command.

! Save Revert

I double clicked BLOCK1 and double clicked BlOCK2 and edited BLOCK2. After I closed BLOCK2 and BLOCK1, BLOCK2 did not update in Big block.

Save revert worked thanks, I rarely use revert.