Cannot bring out the model properties page

The rhino does not react or bring out any new pages when I type in “Units” in the command for the latest version.

Windows? Mac? They both seem to be working here. --Mitch

It only shows in the bottom bar. “Page to display (Dimension Grid Hatch Linetypes Mesh Text Units WebBrower Render)_Units” after I type in the command. Is it any steps I miss in bring that out? Also, there is even no response after I click on the the Render properties.

That’s what it should say. But the dialog should come up… What happens if you try File>Settings from the menu… Does the settings dialog come up at all?


Are you running 10.9.5? I see a bug in the bugtracker that may be related:


I am running on 10.9.5. Is there a way to fix?

Seems likely that since a bug report has been filed, that this is a problem with this particular build and OS 10.9.5 and will likely not be fixed before the next Mac Rhino WIP release… Usually about once a week. The bug was logged on Friday, and there was a fix, but apparently there are still problems according to the log. I guess there will be more news on Monday.

Since there is no other way to get to the settings dialog except through the menus, I think you’re kinda stuck here… Sorry.


So I guess I will have to wait the next update. Thanks!