Can you set aliases in grasshopper?

Hello, I have a very quick question.
Can you make aliases in grasshopper like you can in Rhino?
I think I would find this useful.

If you right-click in the toolbar on a component you can set an alias. But there’s no separate overview with all the aliases as you have in Rhino, as far as I know.

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This doesn’t seem to work for me, right click selects the component same as left. Any idea why. I’m sure I must be doing something wrong.

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Hi @tom11 here that works as expected, can you run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results?

Does anyone have a handy way of setting aliases for components which are only available in the drop-down?
I can not set alias for those. It seem like the only way to do them is via modifying “grasshopper_aliases.xml” by hand, which seems awkward.


I stumbled on this script that @Mahdiyar made to create a list of current aliases for components and to create an alias for the component you want.

I was using the method of clicking the more obscure components on the view tab and then you can add your alias to the component you want.

While reading another post, the obscure component list does not work for an add on like Pufferfish because

From @tom11 Tom Tom "

I think this is a rather an exclusive Pufferfish issue. The author decided not to combine/generalize similar functionality and already offers a very wide range of functionality. Now its at a point where it breaks the intention of being a single plugin. If those issue will keep, maybe the plugin should be divided into multiple ones or should be more generic. I mean a lot of components just vary by the input type… But anyway its of course up to the developer

You can look at the original post below.

You may have solved your problem before this post, but hope this helps another user that comes across this article. (21.1 KB)

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More or less, what I was looking for. Thanks!