Can we "render" shaded mode?

I just noticed I can set the background of a display mode to “transparent.” It would definitely be cool to “render” the shaded-view version of the model with a transparent background. Screen grabs, of course, get the checkered pattern. So, is it possible to “render” the model to look like the display mode?

Does _ViewCaptureToFile do what you need?

Testing it seems like it doesn’t, unfortunately. I get a black background instead of transparent even though the .png output should support transparency.

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this might be a display setting of the preview-programm you’re using. - how to display transparency.

this png

browser shows white

in mac os x preview

preview shows gray background

in affinity photo

shows checker-board as background


…did not manage to include a div or span in this post - with red background to show the transparency.

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@Measure That’s exactly what I wanted. Thanks!

@Measure and @Tom_P, there’s an option to get the transparent background (and it seems to work no matter the display mode settings).

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