Can this new feature be added !Rhino9?

Hi all
Can this new feature be added?


Hi all??
@BrianJ @pierrec @dalelear

Moved to Serengeti category

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Thanks for the suggestions @Mehraneftekari ! We are still focused on Rhino 8 internally but these are neat areas to explore. Fill and QuadRemesh may help in the meantime if you need what the second and third video show.

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Hi All, interesting features!
I would add a simple one from Modo, preserve curvature when adding loops


Yes, I know it can be done. There is also a Remesher feature in Cinema4D, but Rhino still requires a set flow-like command because it requires us to run the Quadremesh command every time, which is unnecessary in many cases.

The QuadRemesh request is in Rhino YouTrack


The InsertEdge “preserve curvature” request is in YouTrack as


The nicer looking quad cap on a cylinder added to Rhino YouTrack

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@Jussi_Aaltonen - can you take a look at the very first video in this thread and see if enhancing “bridge” might be one way to address the current modeling deficiency?

Looks like a fairly flexible way of defining the shape of the bridge. Of course in the case of a bridge it would require mathematically different approach because both ends are fixed. I think the bridge should probably be built by minimizing a sum of weighted error functions to add flexibility for controlling the shape. Of course matching the bridge ends would perhaps be as simple as adding some more constraints.

I added YT for getting back to this once Bridge gets some developer attention again: RH-78344 Bridge: consider new way to adjust shape by mouse and keys

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What about the “fix topology”/“set flow” request.
This is the most interesting one imho, as quadremesh tends to create meshes with topological problems.

@Trav Is the fix topology / set flow request something you can investigate?


This looks like an expanded version of Jussi’s bridge tools.

A new command has been added to 3dsmax 2024.2, which is very useful


spin tool