Can’t get beep when creating a point

cant seem to get a “beep” when creating a point. using Rhino 5 presently. Speakers work fine

Hi John - please provide more information - Rhino is a massive and complicted beast, don’t assume we know what you are doing.
I’ll guess however, that you are using a digitizer?


My apologies. Yes, we are using Rhino with a 3D digitizer by Boulder Innovation Group. We do not use the 3D aspect as we digitize flat carpet shapes. Thxs

Hi John, is this new behavior? Were you able to get a beep before?


Yes, have not had any issues prior.

Hi John -

If I understand you correctly, you are, and have been using Rhino 5, and all of a sudden, things behave differently. Is that correct?

The last service release of Rhino 5 is from 22 May, 2017 so you can at least rule out a change to Rhino. Do you know what might have changed on your system lately?

issue resolved, “Enable Data Tone” was not selected. Suspect this was because of a Windows update. Thxs for your effort