Can Swirl do this?


hello everyone here.
Just wanted to ask if anyways to create such 3D printable CAD without gaps between the surfaces.
Tried with edgesurface but the result wasn’t good. Needed join edges so many times. And the lines are not smooth enough as well.
It would be wonderful if anyone can suggest a method. Thanks!

i Think sweep1 with central rail and multiple sections to control rotation/orientation, can be a good way to do this.

Swirl01.3dm (1.9 MB)

As cyver said, one of the sweeps should do the trick, either sweep1 with cross sections, or sweep2.
When 3D printing you can usually have overlapping volumes and the printer will automatically turn that into a solid, so you should not need to split and join all the intersections. But check that out with your printer first.

Thank you Cyver!

But I tried by my own which making the result in messy lines and twisting polysurface.
Is it becuz of the direction those arrows pointing to?

Thank you Holo,
About the intersecting parts, is it possible to intersecting them smoothly without those very obvious edges? Tried with boolean split and re-build but the result doesn’t look good as well…

Hi, as that is a theoretical question I have to answer in the same manner and the answer is “no”, not unless you remodel those areas.

But if you care to share an image and/or the model you are working on then it is much easier to answer more precisely :slight_smile:

excatly, you have to arrange arrows to point in same direction