Can not overwrite OnMouseDown(), OnMouseMove() in Rhinowip


the program program me cant no overwrite the “final” function “CRhinoGetPoint::OnMouseDown(CRhinoViewport &vp, UINT nFlags, const ON_3dPoint &point, const CPoint *view_wnd_point)” ( line: 1404, file:“c:\Program Files\Rhino 6 SDK\inc\rhinoSdkGetPoint.h”)
How to Solve it??

Hi @suc_kiet,

This is true - the arguments to these functions have changed in the Rhino 6 C++ SDK .

Here is how your CRhinoGetPoint-derived class should now look:

class CTestGetPoint : public CRhinoGetPoint
  void DynamicDraw(CRhinoDisplayPipeline& dp, const ON_3dPoint& pt) override;
  void OnMouseDown(CRhinoViewport& vp, UINT flags, const ON_3dPoint& point, const ON_2iPoint* view_wnd_point) override;
  void OnMouseMove(CRhinoViewport& vp, UINT flags, const ON_3dPoint& point, const ON_2iPoint* view_wnd_point) override;

– Dale

Got it, thinks @dale