Can I Unfillet?

Wow, 19 months away from Rhino has really taken a toll. Is there a way to unfillet an edge?

On a box you can by creating a bounding box…

On something like this?

arch.3dm (193.0 KB)

I haven’t looked at the file but the shape seems to be ‘planar’ / you can take some of the edges or create a section and extrude a fresh object

You may try ConnectSrf with corresponding surfaces. Fillet itself could be just deleted.

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I guess it’s not as simple as a one click. I was hoping for something like “Delete hole” in Solids. Most off the places I want to use it will be easier enough to recreate from any number of tools. Thanks anyway.

use silhouette then extrude

the follow workflow will re-alive the underlaying surfaces

_explode … the entire object
_join … dirty, but fillets will not be joint to the surfaces you need
_hide … select the PolySurface you need with one click
_delete … everything else - mostly the fillets
_show … above PolySurface again.
it is not closed because of the small surfaces at the lower end.
subselect (cmd+shift) those lowest surfaces
_delete … them
_cap … to create them again.

took me 3 times longer to document the workflow then to do it.


The edit option for FilletEdge looked promising as I was able to remove the fillets. But when you end the command some surfaces are deleted. This feature could use some attention.

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I agree that Edit for FilletEdge is freakin amazing, but it rarely works, or only when applied immediately.

The …deleteFaces script of xRemoveTrim / xDeleteFaces | Food4Rhino can do it.


That’s pretty cool. Exactly what I was looking for.