There’s an example here: Setting type hints in a Python component - #5 by piac. This is really the way classes should be used in Python and Grasshopper, and it’s really straightforward.
We are not deflecting pure questions. There’s a difference between a “question” and a “demand of custom development”. The guys of the other mentioned add-ons decided to pursue roads of heavy GUI change of Grasshopper. They did it on their own with the public tools provided by our SDK, and we did not provide them with additional tools and they did not start “hundreds” of threads. They were simply experienced enough and did it. Some of these changes were unnecessary and are unrelated from the geometry of the add-on itself, for example I find Millipede too different. Now, I believe you will get experienced enough one day, to be able to define your own GUI and, if you want, basically re-write Grasshopper from scratch. But right now, you should really focus on getting the “primer” part working, because every big task needs its steps and “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
Python is not suggested for GUI change. As already mentioned earlier, you will need C# for that.
Finally, I am on vacation from today till September, so the rate of my replies will diminish. Alain and Steve will be here.