Can history perform such a task as update hole position after many copies and changes made?

Now I am not a history user, noticed that when turned on it turns itself off. I need to have time and follow through the entire history tuts ! so impress me with what it can do :slight_smile:

This solid item has undergone a few changes, I make a hole through it each time. The final item shape I am happy with , I create a backup layer, I am then extracting surfaces, then offsetting surface then unrollSrf, then moving that across to my 2D area., each time on a new layer.
I now discover the hole cutter never got moved to its revised location. I will have to open those layers and redo those stages !
If I had run history every time I cut the hole in the solid, if I am able to move the hole (what command ?), would all the holes in the solid, the extract srf, the offset srf, the unrollsrf, the backup layers,would they all move as well ?
I am instead using deleteHole, then recut it.
Furthermore I am v9 of the project file, saving as a new version every so often, simplifying and dead wooding as I go, so how would the previous saves get updated ?

…just what would history do, do I run it every time I do extractSrf, offsetSrf, unroll srf ? Surely otherwise it wouldnt work, and I might forget to do so anyway.



Short answer - History will not do what you want.

History is limited.

Only certain ommands are “History enabled”. For example the Boolean commands, Trim and Split are among the commands which are not History enabled. It is not obvious how a hole could be created with History enabled commands.

History can be broken. Using many commands will break History on the geometry modified by the command.

History only works will a session is active. Close a session and any history associated created during that session vanishes.


Íf the object is a Solid - Use ‘SolidPtOn’ and manipulate the points - or 'MoveHole

or for a surface;
DupBorder - untrim hole - move hole curve - split surface with curve

Where you have objects on different layers you may be able to turn them all on an adjust together - or compare and adjust to suit.

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Thanks David and Brian,
I have seen some progs where move one item and all related items in a tree update.
I seem to think SpaceClaim was such, I am though only saying that as its the last prog I have looked at in ages, without looking to see if it is so, having other work on at the mo.,

Is history something ‘for the moment’ then, easily lost as the project progresses over days.


CAD which uses a tree structure for geometry with changes to a parent propogating to all children is frequently described as “parametric”.

FreeCAD is reportedly parametric.