Can anyone guide me to create glass frames in a faceted geometry

Hi there, I have to create a faceted geometry

where I need to put glass frames like this

I would be grateful if anyone could guide me or suggest a tutorial to help me create something like this. most of the YouTube tutorials I followed made something out of a box they made in Grasshopper. but I want to make it in an existing model like this.

Hi Sen -

Have you looked at PanelingTools?


Do I need to break each surface for this? I wanted to apply continuous pannels.

I have no idea, I’ve never use the plug-in.

ShapeMap, maybe?

Perhaps you should try a few things?

I would also look into LunchBox. It has really good facade tools that work right out of the box.

If I understand correctly you want a single plane and then break it up into single pains of glass? If that is the case , could you spit up the surface according to the glass sizes about what you need using lines?—-Mark

Tried to make the frames with lunch box -

but the problem is that each surface is triangular, and the frames are shrinking at the edge.
, and what I wanted was to have uniform panels distributed throughout the surface. (10.3 KB)
trial.3dm (596.8 KB)

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Your UV directions per triangular face seem random. You’ll need to align your UVs so they match your desired frame layout across surfaces.