Has anyone else noticed that the camera projection doesn’t always match the viewport? I haven’t figure out exactly when it is different but I noticed more on existing files.
@jesterKing Have you or @andy noticed this?
Has anyone else noticed that the camera projection doesn’t always match the viewport? I haven’t figure out exactly when it is different but I noticed more on existing files.
@jesterKing Have you or @andy noticed this?
Yes. We’ve seen this. It’s on the list.
Just to be sure it’s clear I’ve created a youtrack item for this: RH-29641
This one is now fixed in SVN. It should be available in the next build.
@jesterKing, I just tested the latest build and still have the same problems. The view is upside down and the zoom factor is different on the lower res rendering, At viewport res only the zoom factor is off.
@bobmcneel, my bad! I see now that only half of the changes were properly merged. Missing changes now committed in r120011
No more flipping and square (custom) render size gives same projection as Rhino Render size:
It is right side up now… but the zoom problem is still there.
cycles camera.3dm (640.9 KB)
This is a problem with the installer. The fix for the translation of camera along its z-axis was committed 2015.02.13. I asked @brian about it here.
Changes to the versioning of a necessary DLL has been changed, the transform changes should be available in the next WIP build.
Looks good now…