This has been a long time thing for me since… like Rhino 2 or maybe 3, I’ve lost track at this point that has to do with, over time, Rhino’s camera needing to be reset by typing “ZE”. Maybe this is a me thing but basically the center of the camera or zoom in capability just “degrades” over a modeling session and am wondering if this is just a setting is not turned on or needs to be changed?
While this isn’t a deal break it’s been something that has been on my “Yea I’m being extra picky” list but over the years it’s something that has now broken me… I mean, I’ll survive but just checking to see if this is something I’m missing in the settings.
Hello- in Perspective views the camera can come close enough on Zooming repeatedly, to the target, to make further zooming ‘stall’. A partial solution is to use Zoom Target (RMB on the Xoom toolbar button) to zoom in perspective views - the stalling is much less if you reset the target. I don’t know if that is your complaint but it is a common one.
I guess my question is that it’s more that the navigation, over time, is what’s changing. That how the camera is navigating say at the beginning of a modeling session will, at some point get to the point where it’s not the same. So yes can do some of what you’ve pointed out but am wondering if this is just an internal Rhino thing or if there’s a setting that can also prevent this from happening?
Now I could also ask that the camera be allowed to go “inside” of geometries, but that’s a whole other ball of wax to unravel.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t as much about complaining as it is really just trying to understand the why of it and if anything cab be done to change the camera’s behavior.