I want to calculate the minimum Possible Size of the Diameter of this truss structure.
in other words, I want to find this form’s Most Light Weight And Stable Structure in the Below Shape:
as you can see, I’ve Done the steps in Karamba with Grasshopper, But Since I’m Not sure if I’m doing it right, I want to check with someone who Knows how Karamba Works and if my Results are Valid or not?!
I Attached The Algorithm: Karamba - Truss Structural Analysis - Minimum Elements Diameter Size.gh (42.5 KB)
the supports in the model are not accurate: I assume that your supports should only be on the base. You can use the BeamView to visualise the results. Utilisation gives you an idea of how the members are behaving, however this is a ratio between the normal stress at a point and the strength of the corresponding material. The utilisation component gives more results but this is tailored for EC3 (steel design) - 3.7.7: Utilization of Elements 🔷 - Karamba3D 2.2.0
thanks for your guidance.
I’ve tried to model my Structure and now I think it might have another issue!
when I change the (Deformation) Slide Number, the deformation occurs but the Web Elements and Chords getting detached from each other. why is this happening? how can I fix it? @matttam
the algorithm file: Truss Structural Analysis - My Form.gh (71.6 KB)
Hi, your diagonals are not connected to the horizontal elements. The end points need to match with the diagonal end points if you want to connect them.
thanks again. with your explanation I can fix the issue.
Now I have another question:
I discovered that the (Loads (Karamba3D)) Component Unit is KiloNewton when the Point Load Status is activated. What I don’t understand is whether the input value of this component is equal to the total force that is applied to the structure or is it the force that is applied to the structure in each point’s coordination?
for example, if I have 28 positions for applying PointLoad in my Structure, and I Want to Apply a 0,20 kN(20 Kilogram) Load on Each of these Points, What is the Input of my force vector Should be?
is it 0.20 or 5.6? @matttam
Hi, the force input will apply the same load (0.2kN) on each input point that you put in the Point Load component. You can use the ModelView to preview the load values.