Hi, my brain is failing this morning. How can I get round this error? My script fails when it encounters an empty value in a tree. I don’t want to invent values to fill it - I just want the script to ignore that line.
Member Index gives me a list of indexes with Empty values - but I can’t find a way to then make use of that knowledge…
Thanks, that’s a very fair question, and possibly why I’m drawing a blank. I was hoping to only pass the useful data yet keep the Index numbers as they are - but obviously it needs to put something there. Thank you - I think that’s enough of a clue. I guess need to make a shorter list and lose the original Indexes, but still keep a record of them somewhere.
So a following question - if I have my list of Indexes which contain Empties, how can I easily get an inverse of that list? (So in the example below, the opposite list would be 1,2,3,6,9,etc).
Could not think of an easy way with native components. Here is with python: include_i = [i for i in range(len(my_list)) if i not in exclude_i] invert indices.gh (4.1 KB)