C# Rhino Script Type Library

I am trying to add “RhinoScript” to references but getting this message! Rhino Script|689x393

If I’m not mistaken you should use tlbimp.exe to convert it to a .net assembly, then reference that assembly. See https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/c-in-a/0596001819/re18.html or google for tlbimp.exe

Hi @karakus.bulent,

I had no problem referencing the RhinoScript 7 Type Library in a .NET Framework console application using VS2019. Can can you tell us about the project you are trying to add the reference into?

– Dale

I am using VS2019 as well, the project that I am trying to add “RhinoScript 7 Type Library” is a class library, the target framework is 4.8

Hi @karakus.bulent,

I was also able to add reference to the RhinoScript type library in a .NET Framework class library project.

Sorry, I’m not sure what is causing this.

– Dale