I’ve encountered a weird issue
I created a C# component that was working fine when testing
but after saving the file, when opening the file again, the component causes crashes when enabled
When debuging, I commented out section by section and it all works
after uncommenting all the sections, the component works again
I can change all the inputs and it’s fine, but if I press Recompute or save, it’ll all crash again.
I don’t know why it’s cause crashes, can someone please check and let me know?
I’m on Version 6 SR31
(6.31.20315.17001, 11/10/2020)
Maybe I am confused, but it appears run is never set to false. Thus your while loop runs indefinitely. You might want to verify this block of code is correct, logically.
else if((possible && intersects.Count > 0) || !possible)
run = false; //if no intersection exit loop
I use the boolean possible to check if intersection in one direction is possible bool possible = Possible(crv, pln, dist);
First I test for below the plane, then above the plane
by commenting out the while loop and printing out the possible boolean
with the internalised values I get :
False (for below)
True (for above)
For intersections below the plane possible = false, so in the while loop, if there’s no intersections the !possible portion of the exit condition would be true, which then sets run to be false
For intersections above the plane possible = true, so since either/both start/end point of the curve is above the plane, there should be at least one intersection, the plane will continously move up in each iteration: pln.Origin = pln.Origin + (pln.Normal * dist);
at which point when an intersection happens, intersects.Count > 0
so after the intersection, if there’s a step when there’s no intersection possible = true and intersects.Count > 0 makes (possible && intersects.Count > 0) = true which allows for the exit run = false
I don’t think my logic is wrong? or maybe I’m misunderstanding something?
I think I see the issue you’re saying, but I don’t think this is issue with my code? Please check file attached.
I’ve commented out the while loop and added a print after the possible boolean
bool possible = Possible(crv, pln, dist);
on load and recompute, it prints out
which is incorrect, but if I slide the slider the output becomes
which is correct, and even after changing slider value to the original 3.4, I still get the correct output
Only upon opening and recompute are the values wrong
I’ve narrowed it down to cSys.ZAxis on line165
on load and recompute, the ZAxis does not output any value (0,0,0 instead of 0,0,1)
it seems like on load and recompute this.Component.Params.Input[2].VolatileDataCount will detect a input even tho there’s nothing inputted, this prevents me from assigning the correct default value of new Vector3d(0, 0, 1)
So I guess the main question now is:
How do I define default values to an input if there’s no input (the way I’ve been doing it has weird quirks)
BTW: Sampling the Ccx events class in a List is pointless … since you’ll need some other Method to “extract” data (points, params etc etc). So do the right thing and get all these in a DataTree (of type object). For so few items the cost of unboxing is nothing.