Coding is for men who learned the ways of the Force (1) in isolation (2) deep into the woods (3) without a computer/Internet (4) after reading books N times (maybe N Factorial times). That said the scope of the Force is not to do things but to know when (and why) not to do things.
Anyway get the trad update (I’ll add more explicit stuff tomorrow) .
How can I access the matrix and the classic one?
How to unbox it?
I tried, uhmm, not tried, I went for it… or something… to access the matrix and to unbox the classic one. But I cannot make a unbox result so far.
I looked at the internet for matrices but and my face, so blue pill. But I want to to for the red pill. I seemingly have that still as my second option. Now without methaphors…
How to access a matrix in c# in grasshopper. The way they do it other programs seems not to work for me in grasshopper. I am doing something wrong.
From catigate catigator to the movie the matrix. Homer was also involved, where will this lead to? Or led? The matrix is difficult to understand for me right now.
Elementary my dear Watson (BTW: to get the gist of The Matrix just look around you: you live inside that thing. To get the gist of a matrix see below):
Tip: Abandon ship. Unsubscribe (in one click or more) from anything.Go to the woods. Study books. Then study again.
Tip: a proper Ferrari (say a Pista) is way faster than an Ariel Atom 4. Is it the most fun/involving/desirable/challenging car? No by a huge margin. Moral: don’t get trapped in the performance loophole. All what matters is the forest (the tree is a nothing thing). I can provide you with tons of real-time C#'s that are stupid/useless and tons of slower ones that are way smarter/usefull (but indeed I’m obsessed with speed altough you are not in the spot to write things with this in mind).
But we NEVER use a Node type if the Properties are more or less the same as the ones found/exposed in the Class in question.
Think a Brep. That Class provides various Properties meaning that IF you want to use these and only these … is ultra stupid to define a custom Type and do some collection: the Art of Pointless, that is.
Same with Nodes: we use custom Types like these (in Graphs and the likes) but the properties contain additional things like an int[ ] (derived from connectivity) or some other(s).
On the other hand IF your strategy is to be as R/GH neutral as possible (meaning that the spots in the code to change MUST be as few as possible) … then indeed this approach has some meaning.
Offer of the day:
Since it appears that you are trapped in The Matrix (the real bad thing) here’s a task for you. Get this:
This is your path to C# glory: each step in the spiral brings you closer to the “top” … unless you fail to strictly follow the orders … and you end up in the rabbit hole: