Build surfaces , extend, intersect, extend curve and split

Hi Forum, I am running into with the work I’m doing lately as the title says. I make multiple surfaces, extend them through each other, intersect them and then extend those intersections to be able to finally split the surfaces.
So I was thinking that maybe there could be a script or something to help move this process along without so many clicks. At first thought I was something like sequential splitting. Picking which surface to split first and then move on to the next and so on.
It is mostly odd shaped boxes with pulling draft on them. My method now is pretty much how the title goes. It works, but is time consuming. Thanks for reading and welcome ideas. —Mark

Hello - can you post an example? If the surfaces all together fully enclose a space then CreateSolid may do the work for you.


Give me some time to prepare an example. Not doing computer work at the moment. Thanks,Mark

Hi Pascal, yes that simplified building the boxes I am currently working on. Thanks for pointing it out to me.—-Mark