Bug: rs.ObjectsByType() not working in python3

In Rhino8(8.2), I found when I run
print (len(rs.ObjectsByType(4)))
it gets different results in python3 and python2(ironpython)
In python2 it works fine to get only curve objects, but in python3, it gets all objects.

Hi @tpuaup, i can repeat that using Rhino 8 (8.3.23360.13001, 2023-12-26)


That bug is logged here.
Thanks for reporting it.

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On the latest Rhino8 I get false results using Python 3 and 2. Maybe the issue is not only related to the version of Python. For example:

blocks = rs.ObjectsByType(4096, False, 1) #4096 = blocks
for block in blocks:

should output only True, but I also get False. ObjectByType actually catches all the object of the scene here.

The bitwise comparisons to geometry_filter like if geometry_filter & Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Surface: bSurface = True and elif object_type & geometry_filter: are all evaluating to true, so it ends up including extra stuff.

This issue was reported before and is solved in 8.7 / 8.8 RC

RH-80145 ScriptEditor: Python 3 does not consider ObjectType.None as False

Would you mind installing and testing this? Thank you!

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I’ve tested in 8.7 and the issue is fixed.
thx for the work :smile: