🐛 BUG - Rhino 8 Theme Change - Collapsed Sidebar Fails To Update

Hi McNeel Team,

I found a bug when working on Rhino Theme changes via scripting but it seems repeatable without scripting as well.

If a sidebar is collapsed, not all UI elements get updated properly on Theme changes.

This can be repeated by setting the Theme from the Rhino Document Properties UI or from calling it directly within a script (only tested with Python 3)

If it matters I have set TAB as the shortcut to toggle my right sidebar.

Please see video demonstrating what is happening.

Python Code (If you need it):

#! python3

import Rhino
from Rhino.ApplicationSettings import AppearanceSettings as ras

# Determine If Rhino Is Currently Running In Dark Mode
dark_mode = Rhino.Runtime.HostUtils.RunningInDarkMode

# Toggle Dark Mode Test
def ToggleDarkMode():
    global dark_mode
    # Set Theme
    ras.SetToLightMode() if dark_mode else ras.SetToDarkMode()
    # Update Global State
    dark_mode = not dark_mode

    theme = "Dark" if dark_mode else "Light"
    print(f"Rhino Theme Changed To {theme}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Is this repeatable on your end @Gijs ?


Hi Michael - I see this, thanks.

RH-82600 Color change incomplete


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Thanks @pascal