BUG - Rhino 8 MAC - block displacement when opening dwg

Rhino displaces blocks in this case when opening a dwg.
Does not happen in Rhino 7.
File enclosed.
2023-10-14 - ah!_system drawings.dwg (7.2 MB)

Hello- I see this, thanks. Also much slower to open, here, in V8.

RH-82183 Open dwg - blocks displaced


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Hello mortenengel,

What would be really helpful is to have a dwg file with a single (the simpler, the better) block that exhibits the problem. Any chance you could help me out with that?

Incidentally, this is happening in Windows too.


I only have that file as it is downloaded through a product vendor.

I managed to resolve myself spending over an hour;
Using the free Draftsight CAD application to import the dwg and export it again. Then open in Rhino and blocks looked more correct.
The problem could come from the original export from the vendor cad program??

I suppose, but it is odd though that V7 does not have the issue while V8 does.

I opened it in acad (I do not know acad or I would have tried to isolate the problem geometry myself) and in the viewer app what comes with the SDK we use and neither had the problem.

I’ll still try to look at it but it becomes way more tedious because of the amount of stuff I’ll need to wade through to find the ones with problems. Since you have a workaround and the task became a lot more laborious I’m going to rachet it down in priority.
