Bug - Rhino 8.8 - FillMeshHole not working as in Rhino 7

Tested on Rhino 8.8 (SR8).

The command FillMeshHole does not appear to work correctly as it did in Rhino 7 (SR37). On filling a hole in the corner of a cube (this is a simple test case), the patch generated overlaps faces around the edge of the hole.

The hole to patch:

As patched by Rhino 8 (not joined):

And joined gives the same result:


I could create a single face bridge and then fill the resulting two separate holes, but this should not be needed as in Rhino 7 the hole is correctly patched

And joined as well:

I would appreciate it if this could be resolved.


20240705_FillMeshHoleBug.3dm (127.4 KB)

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thanks @A_Veale for posting,

I see that it depends on which edge is clicked, on some edges I get lucky, but on most it creates garbage.
RH-82897 FillMeshHole creates various results

Thanks Gijs for checking it out and posting the bug.

RH-82897 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 10