Bug Report: Changing Text Mask crashes RH6

Hi All,
hi @lowell and @stevebaer,
in the latest BETA I stumbled upon a small bug: when changing Text Masks of multiple Text Objects together, Rhino crashes.
If you open this file TextMaskBug.3dm (57.1 KB), SelAll (Text fields will be selected, rest is locked) and change Text Mask from Solid Color to None, Rhino crashes here.
Some of these Texts contain Rich Text, some don’t. They were created in RH5 and ported to RH6.
Can you see this on your side? If so, would be great to get the YT item… :slight_smile:
Thank you!

…this seems to happen only if Rich Text and Standard Texts are changed together. If I only select the fields with Rich Text or the ones without and change Mask, it doesn’t crash…

The fix will be in the next WIP. Thanks for reporting. RH-43416

RH-43416 is fixed in the latest Release Candidate