Bug in Clipper2 Offset

Clipper2.gh (10.0 KB)

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Hi @Rh-3d-p
I just open the file, i will check it

Hi @Rh-3d-p
I asked the developer and this is his answer:

In clipper1 the result is different at the end, here the same settings used except miter limit

That's because Clipper1 isn't correctly offsetting your polyline, in that it is joining the ends rather than butting them, as per your parameters. In Clipper2, if you want the ends of your polyline joined, then you'll need to do that separately, and then you'll need to union the results of your two separate offset operations.

I am not sure if the union can create the expected result but for now you can use Clipper1 , or Regions Component (Fennec)

And I will try to find a solution for that.
Thank you

Update: Union works fine
I will share the new update soon and maybe i will add variable offset

New update available:

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hi @anon39580149 this bug in start! in new update

Hi @Rh-3d-p
What is the error?

I don’t see any error here, but i update Grasshopper SDK
Try this one:

Check this repository and compile it in your PC , maybe this help to find the error

This is a screenshot from fresh Windows 11 system and fresh Rhino 8 installation.
I don’t get any error

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